Adding to a git repository

1. Create minnie-kenny.gitconfig in the root of your git repository

The minnie-kenny.gitconfig is a standard git config file. It has the exact same syntax as .git/config, but unlike the files under the .git directory the minnie-kenny.gitconfig lives in the working directory of your repository. Thus the configuration file is committed beside the rest of your version controlled software.

Example minnie-kenny.gitconfig:

# NOTE: The stanza [secrets] must be included to be a valid git-config file
    providers = git secrets --aws-provider
    patterns = (A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(SECRET|secret|Secret)?_?(ACCESS|access|Access)?_?(KEY|key|Key)(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[A-Za-z0-9/\\+=]{40}(\"|')?
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(ACCOUNT|account|Account)_?(ID|id|Id)?(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}(\"|')?
    allowed = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
    # NOTE: The above example is the equivalent of `git secrets --register-aws`. Customize for your own git repo.

Additional secret configuration may be appended to the file. The command git secrets --add and git secrets --add-provider modify the .git/config file directly. The additions to .git/config may be moved to minnie-kenny.gitconfig, where they may then be committed to your git repository.

git add minnie-kenny.config

2. Download and add to your git repository

A raw should be downloaded from GitHub and added to your repository.

curl -O

After reviewing the contents of the script, add it to your git repository.

git add

3. Run during your build's test process is recommended to be run during the test phase of your build tool. The test phase is a compromise between:

  • Anyone testing changes to the code may likely be committing their changes back to git
  • The users who are just building / assembling the code may not want to install git secrets on their system

Every build system allows you to run custom shell commands. As is pure POSIX shell script it should run on most platforms.

Example languages, with links on how to run custom executables on some of their build tools:

If you would like to run the script as an executable via ./ you will need to chmod +x Alternatively if you do not want to give the script executable permissions then during your tests execute sh

Adding git secrets to your CI test environment

After is installed in your git repository, your continuous integration (CI) test environment will likely require an update also. When the CI runs tests it will look for the executable git-secrets within the $PATH. If you have not already added git secrets to your CI, example bash installation instructions are:

# Clone the git-secrets repo
git clone

# Change directories to the git secrets directory
pushd git-secrets >/dev/null

# Checkout whatever version you'd like
git checkout 1.3.0

# Add the `git secrets` directory to the PATH
export PATH="${PATH}:${PWD}"

# Change back to the previous working directory
popd >/dev/null

# Continue running your tests...

After runs as part of your build scripts tests, you will also want your CI to run git secrets --scan-history to check for secrets across all previous commits.