
minnie-kenny.sh is a POSIX shell script that ensures git secrets is correctly installed and consistently configured.

git secrets "prevents you from committing passwords and other sensitive information to a git repository." Even after the executable is installed, it must be then configured correctly on every git repository. Otherwise no secrets are prevented from being committed. Additionally by default the secrets configuration is not shared in git repository and is instead configured per user device.

What minnie-kenny.sh does:

  • Enables prohibited and allowed git secrets patterns to be version controlled in git
  • Anyone running your tests who has git installed will also test that git secrets is installed
  • Once minnie-kenny.sh completes the git secrets configuration once all future git commits are protected

What minnie-kenny.sh does not do:

  • Does not require those who download a zip/tar of your code to install git secrets
  • Does not install the git secrets executable, it must be installed once per system, like git
  • Does not require bash by itself, though the git secrets command does

The script is inspired by, based upon, and developed using a number of individuals, open source projects, and hosting providers.

Contributions to minnie-kenny.sh are welcome and appreciated!

Quick start

  1. Create minnie-kenny.gitconfig in the root of your git repository
  2. Download and add minnie-kenny.sh to your git repository
  3. Run minnie-kenny.sh during your build's test process

Example minnie-kenny.gitconfig:

# NOTE: The stanza [secrets] must be included to be a valid git-config file
    providers = git secrets --aws-provider
    patterns = (A3T[A-Z0-9]|AKIA|AGPA|AIDA|AROA|AIPA|ANPA|ANVA|ASIA)[A-Z0-9]{16}
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(SECRET|secret|Secret)?_?(ACCESS|access|Access)?_?(KEY|key|Key)(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[A-Za-z0-9/\\+=]{40}(\"|')?
    patterns = (\"|')?(AWS|aws|Aws)?_?(ACCOUNT|account|Account)_?(ID|id|Id)?(\"|')?\\s*(:|=>|=)\\s*(\"|')?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}\\-?[0-9]{4}(\"|')?
    allowed = wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
    # NOTE: The above example is the equivalent of `git secrets --register-aws`. Customize for your own git repo.

Additional secret configuration may be appended to the file. See the full Install instructions for more information.